Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre

Think - Feel - Act

Telephone02 6775 1736

Plan a visit

Contact Thalgarrah EEC by phone 02 6775 1736, to organise a date for your visit and to discuss program options.

Student welfare

Before the visit to Thalgarrah we ask that a student welfare form (DOCX 571KB) be filled in and returned so that Thalgarrah staff are aware of any medical and other welfare issues.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment plans have been prepared for each program and are located on the programs page for you to download.

Earth friendly lunch

Please encourage students to bring an earth friendly lunch for their visit to Thalgarrah. We have no bins so will ask students to take their rubbish home with them. We do have a worm farm and compost bins for compostable rubbish.

An Earth Friendly lunch may include:

  • sandwiches wrapped in grease-proof paper
  • fresh fruit. It comes with its own compostable packaging.
  • biscuits or cake in a paper bag that can be composted also.
  • a drink in a reusable container. This can be washed and used again.


As many of our programs are run predominately outside, we may have to postpone your visit if the weather looks unfavourable. Heavy rain and strong winds make outside programs potentially dangerous.

Check the weather forecast for the Armidale area.