Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre

Think - Feel - Act

Telephone02 6775 1736

Teddy bears' picnic resources

Before the Teddy Bears' Picnic excursion there are several things that need to be organised:

  • Read the invitation to children from Thalgarrah. Download a copy from below, put your class's name at the top and copy it onto A3 paper so that it can be displayed in the classroom for a time leading up to the teddy bears' picnic. Download Invitation (DOCX 66KB).
  • Organise students into groups of 5 or 6. Photocopy name tags (download from below) onto coloured card. You may even like to laminate the name tags to improve durability.
  • If there is more than one class, keep each class all one colour. For example, class A may be all the green groups and be divided into the green groups of green frogs, green grubs, etc. Class B may be all the red groups and be divided into the red groups of red ants, red kangaroos, etc. Name tags (PDF 176KB).
  • Organise adult helpers including parents - one adult for every small group. ie. a ratio of one adult to 5-6 children is required as part of the day involves students separated into their small groups and completing an activity. School representatives, of course, can be adult helpers. Thalgarrah can provide one adult hepler if required.
  • Send out the letter regarding what to bring (download from below) plus any other permission notes required. Students need to pack an earth friendly lunch and a small soft toy. They do not need to pack morning tea as this is provided by Thalgarrah. Letter to parents (PDF 45KB).
  • Here is the link to the student welfare information form to be filled and brought with you to Thalgarrah on the day of your visit

After the teddy bears' picnic excursion you may like to re-emphasise the learning from the day through an craft activity where students construct a "good habitat" collage.

Download and view post visit craft activity (PPTX 7.3MB).